Learn electronics, breadbording, prototyping and experimenting with LabBoard!
Electronics measuring unit LabBoard has a dual use. Firstly, it can be used as an expansion board to the TotemDuino system, offering easily accessible input and output connections. Fits Arduino Uno type shields. Secondly, it is a measuring and testing unit.
When used together with TotemDuino, you will find:
- Variable low voltage – a 3-channel (DAC) converter, capable of outputting a pre-set voltage in the 0-3.25V range.
- Variable high voltage – a single channel converter, capable of outputting a pre-set voltage in the 3-14V range.
- Voltage measure – 3 inputs in the +-0.5V, +-5V and +-50V range.
- Current measure – sensing current up to 800 mA.
- Frequency meter – digital signal frequency measurement module, capable of signals up to 23 MHz.
- Pulse counter – digital signal pulse counter, counting up to 999,999,999 pulses in a signal.
- Pulse generator – unit capable of generating finite or infinite series of pulses, with programmable frequency and duty cycle.
- I2C scanner – discover I2C address of connected module.
- DHT11 monitor – read temperature and humidity of connected DHT11 sensor.
- AD9833 control – control frequency of connected AD9833 signal generator.
- Serial monitor – view simple
output of Arduino code. - Arduino control – control LabBoard features from Arduino code using Totem Library.
- PC control – control LabBoard from computer using Serial protocol.
* some features only available with latest firmware.
For full instructions view documentation website: https://docs.totemmaker.net/labboard/
LabBoard is designed to be mounted onto Totem beams and boards, as well as to the third part surfaces, with a help of a few bolts and brackets.
If you’re just starting tinkering with electronics and microcontroller programming, LabBoard is perfect for you! It comes with many crucial instruments that will give you a boost and be helpful for someone who is either just starting, or is an advanced DIY enthuasiast.
Use it as a replacement part for Mini Lab or upgrade your Micro Lab electronics laboratory.