Totem Beam Pro-Cutter


Totem Beam Pro-Cutter – cut Beams to the lengths you need!

  • Easy to cut – almost no force needed.
  • Makes clean cuts. 
  • Adaptable for left and right handed use.
  • Has a ruler – allows for consistent sizes to be cut.
  • Step of 1 cm (10 mm).

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SKU: TKM-EPC Category:
Weight1 kg
EU over 100€
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Totem construction system is designed for cutting the parts to desired size. Just like a carpenter cuts his planks or boards to the length needed from longer pieces. No need to have huge number of parts in your workshop to be able to build your project.

You can change the design underway if your initial idea wasn’t optimal.

You cut larger parts to the parts you need!

With one 40 cm Totem Beam, you can make all lengths from 1cm to 40 cm in 1 cm steps. This is 40 parts already!



Easy to cut – almost no force needed.

Make sure to fit pins of the cutter into the grid of the Beam.



Adaptable for left and right handed use – change the position of the ruler











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